A quick update on the eye: things are improving and although it sounds like it'll not get beck to pre-detachment shape it'll be acceptable soon. I have an appointment with the retina surgeon on Thursday and hopefully we'll be pointed south again by next Tuesday.
We've switched over to a new phone number now... eight nine five two seven eight eight still exists but it's been converted to pay-as-you-go and we'll use it as a backup phone and my phone while in Canada. Our new main phone number is two zero eight eight zero five five one three four, and this number will work whether we're south or north. Yes, it's a US number so if you don't have a US calling plan it may cost you a few cents... but if that's the case you can just blast us a text and we'll call you. Or email us, as that's free for everyone.
If a Canadian cell company ever offers a plan with no roaming charges anywhere in North America we'll consider switching again but in the meantime we just gotta go with the guys who offer the service...
Also, I've been filling in the time between eye drops and doctor appointments with playing around in Youtube and getting some video uploaded. The results are still pretty poor so far but (I think) I'm getting a little better. If you want to have a peek then check out my channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkzXY5tKJAwcQgH3oxJa7lQ or search for Vic and Wendy Johnson in your Youtube app (there were too many Vic Johnsons already!). Comments welcome, but please be kind.
Finally, if I don't get another post in before Christmas... or even if I do... I wish you and yours all the best of the season and a very healthy and happy new year!
10 hours ago