Merry Christmas, everyone!
10 hours ago
The saga of our travels here and there. Updated whenever I have something worthwhile to say (and sometimes when I don`t).
(At both Seaworld and Legoland, they had `Snow Worlds`where you could go and play in REAL SNOW! Amazing! Oh, to live in a world where this is necessary...) |
(Two things to note: the sign to the right and the person closest to the aisle.) |
(The view of the Shamu Show was great from those close-up seats!) |
(No splashes at the sea lion show. Our clothes were almost dry by now as this was the end of the day.) |
(For Cliff) |
`(My co-pilot (no car seat needed in CA, booster is OK) catching up on some zzz`s. If you looked at the previous couple days of pics you`ll understand why this was needed.) |